We are the Pioneers because we were the first. We started school in tents due to the steel strike in 1955. We were the only class - all freshmen, then in the following years, always the upperclassmen. Because we were such a small class, we all knew one another. We chose the school colors, uniform, and wrote our alma matter. We published the first yearbook and named it "Esprit" for our sense of spirit. And we were the first class to celebrate a 50th reunion - still the Pioneers. How wonderful to reminisce and reconnect with one another!





Following our 50-year class reunion in March 2009, the class of '59 gifted Providence High School with a special scholarship fund to be used for financially-needy students. This fund is called: PHS 50-Year Club Scholarship Fund. This fund will last in perpetuity as long as we, and other classes as they reach the 50-year anniversary of their graduations, continue to contribute to it. If you are able and willing to contribute to our alma mater, will you please designate "PHS 50-Year Scholarship Fund" as the payee on your check or credit card gift. With our assistance the scholarship will go on forever -- and the Class of 1959 will always be remembered.

Friday, November 14, 2008

Carol Ann Rando Irsfeld (part 2)

I sure am enjoying reading what everyone is up to these days, but in reading, I realized that in my haste to get my bio posted last August, all I wrote about the present was that we retired to Alaska and we love it. True, but we are busy too.
Both Peter and I are CASA volunteers. CASA is short for Court Appointed Special Advocate. CASAs work with children who have been removed from their home, usually from abuse or neglect, and are in foster care. We visit the children and make sure they are getting the services they need; we CASAs are the squeaky wheels and mostly fill in the cracks and do those things an overloaded system isn't able to do. In short, CASAs stand up for abused and neglected kids.
We also do a lot of traveling, just about all family related. We are both blessed to still have our dads; Peter's dad is 96 and mine is 98. We visit them at least every three months, and also visit our kids and grandkids.
Our life is full and we enjoy every day, thankful for the blessings of family, friends and good health.
Carol Ann


Monday, November 3, 2008

Caryl Harvey Prati

When I graduated I was one of 7 classmates to enter the Sisters of Charity of Providence. I was very confident that this was what God wanted me to do with my life. Fr. Throckmorton taught classes on the sacraments. One afternoon during the sacrament of Marriage class, I "heard" a message that I would better serve Him in marriage. That was the farthest thing from my mind and it took me into my second year to request to return home in 1961. From 1962-1964, I studied nursing at LAVC. I didn't meet my spouse, John Prati, until Friday, June 13, 1969. We married November 8th, and we started our family without any waiting too, Sylvia. David was born in 1970, MiShell in 1972 and JoAnne in 1974. All of them are happily married and college graduates. As you can see in the photo, we have four grandchildren. We lived in MI for 28 years and our son, Aimee, Steven, Jacob and 1 yr. old Sarah live there. JoAnne, Red and Morgan live in OK and will soon gift us with a fifth grandchild. MiShell and Glenn are in the Seattle area and have gifted us with 2 "grand-pups".

Nursing has been a blessed profession for me. That was another thing that I didn't think I'd like. Interesting how life develops, isn't it? I earned a BSN in 1984 and a MSEd in 1994. I am still active in nursing, as a part-time paid parish nurse at our church, St. Andrew Catholic Church in Moore, OK. I joined several colleagues in forming the statewide
Faith Community Nursing Association of OK. We actively promote parish nursing throughout the state. OKC is a good place to retire. It is a big, little city with lots of community activities: theater, a philharmonic, Museum of Art, sports galore, and a developing downtown. The cost of living is very affordable e.g. gas just dropped to $1.91 this past week! Do you remember when we had gas wars at $.10 per gallon in the 50s? $2.00 would fill up your car. We have learned to listen attentively for the tornado warnings in May and October and take our tornado precautions.

By the way, Cecile Condemi Fraley and I just got connected. She lives in Owasso, outside Tulsa, OK, about 2 hours from OKC. She wants to come for our reunion. We hope to get reacquainted now that we have found each other. How about that ...two PHS graduates in OK!

I can't imagine living 67 years of life without Our Lord. I'm so grateful that our parents brought us to Baptism and into this Catholic Christian life. Oh, I sadly separate myself at times like everyone else, but I am confident that I "have not here a lasting home" and try to live every day with Him. When I moved to OK in 1999, I made a decision to reflect on Scripture before reading the sports section in the morning. It's not easy to do in this college town! Yes, I'm still a jock at heart. I read the sports and John reads the comics. But, I last played competitive softball when I was 44. Once you start trying to put God first, it's not so hard to Let Go and Let God". it sounds like many of you know this too.

I'm looking forward to seeing you in March 2009.


Sunday, November 2, 2008

Sylvia Livoti MacAller

After I graduated from Providence, I got a summer job at the Bank of America before I entered Immaculate Heart College. In September 1962, I was hired on as a Champagne Lady for the Lawrence Welk Show. I would perform every Friday and Saturday night at the Hollywood Palladium and do the live television show every Saturday. My dad was the Concert Master on the show and Lawrence loved to publicize the fact that we were father-daughter. I got the opportunity to travel a bit and loved doing the show.

I stayed on the show for 2 years. I also sang in the St. Charles Choir in North Hollywood where I met my husband George. We were married in 1963 and started our family right away.

Gina was born in 1964, Christine, 1965 and Michelle, 1967. I was a stay at home mom and with 3 little girls, my days were filled. I still sang as much as I could doing voice overs and performing as much as I could. Singing has always been my passion.

In addition, I joined the St. Joseph's Guild, Children's Hospital Auxiliary and started the Celebration Company, a children's musical company.

Our daughters were all a year apart and when it came time for them to enter college, we realized that we might need a supplemental income to get them through. They entered Loyola Marymount University one year after the other. I got a job as an Administrative Assistant to the President of a Real Estate company in Woodland Hills. As part of my job, I got very involved in the development of Warner Center, chaired a Deed Committee for the City of Los Angeles, served on the Board of Directors of the Chamber of Commerce and was asked to chair the Loyola Marymount Parent's Advisory.

In 1989, I got my real estate license and went directly into Commercial/Industrial real estate; my background in my community afforded me the opportunity to meet many business people so I had a great client base. In 1994, I joined TOLD Partners in Woodland Hills, a boutique brokerage where I am currently. In 1996, I made Senior Vice President/Partner.

God has blessed my life. I have a wonderful husband of 45 years, three happily married daughters and 7 gorgeous grandkids, my health, and I still sing as much as I can. Life is Good!