We are the Pioneers because we were the first. We started school in tents due to the steel strike in 1955. We were the only class - all freshmen, then in the following years, always the upperclassmen. Because we were such a small class, we all knew one another. We chose the school colors, uniform, and wrote our alma matter. We published the first yearbook and named it "Esprit" for our sense of spirit. And we were the first class to celebrate a 50th reunion - still the Pioneers. How wonderful to reminisce and reconnect with one another!





Following our 50-year class reunion in March 2009, the class of '59 gifted Providence High School with a special scholarship fund to be used for financially-needy students. This fund is called: PHS 50-Year Club Scholarship Fund. This fund will last in perpetuity as long as we, and other classes as they reach the 50-year anniversary of their graduations, continue to contribute to it. If you are able and willing to contribute to our alma mater, will you please designate "PHS 50-Year Scholarship Fund" as the payee on your check or credit card gift. With our assistance the scholarship will go on forever -- and the Class of 1959 will always be remembered.

Friday, September 5, 2008

Carol Lex Tanner

After graduating from PHS, 6 of our class entered the Sisters of Charity of Providence’s convent in Seattle, WA. I can best describe the experience as a “spiritual boot camp.” Simultaneously we were enrolled in Seattle University. I opted to leave the novitiate after 2.5 years and, after a few distractions along the way, finally completed my Bachelor’s degree at the age of 42.
Within 2 years of de-frocking, I met and married that good Catholic boy we all learned about in high school. The marriage lasted only 5 years but produced a wonderful daughter, Kelley (now age 43 and married with 4 step-children). Following were 8 years of being a single, working mom who dated some really great guys and eventually married the greatest: my husband of 31 years, Rick Tanner.
From the month I left the convent until retirement in 2006, I experienced a career that started with being a receptionist and topped out as a VP of Human Resources. I loved being in the workplace, which included only four companies (I am disgustingly stable): an international environmental engineering firm, a stock brokerage company, a national commercial real estate company and, lastly, a software development start-up in Santa Monica.
Prompted by both business reasons and personal vacations, I have been fortunate enough to travel to over 50 countries so far, more recently plotting them with tacks on a world map as only retired people have time to do. Though Rick opts to remain gainfully employed full time, we still manage to take a couple of trips a year before we become too decrepit to wheel our luggage.
As much as I enjoyed my professional career, this new phase called “retirement” is rich with choices and fun. I spend many volunteer hours working with K9 Connection (, a group which interacts with at-risk teens in alternative high schools and residential facilities by teaching them to obedience-train homeless dogs in order to make them more adoptable. During the programs, the teens grow in confidence, set goals and learn new life skills. We continue to remain in contact with the kids after the programs end. Rick and I also help Westside German Shepherd Rescue by occasionally fostering one of their rescue dogs until it finds a permanent home. Additionally, lemon-martini lunches with friends, weekly yoga/meditation classes, gym workouts, reading, gardening and an occasional college class (I still can’t speak Spanish!) keep me on the move.
Life is filled with lots of family, friends and challenges. I have included a picture of the greatest loves of my life: my daughter and husband.
Let us stay connected so that I can invite you to my 99th birthday party in the years to come.
Enjoy the journey!
Carol Lex Tanner

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Dearest friend Carol,
On your 99th birthday we will have known each other for 85 years. That will be one party I do not want to miss. Hope we will still be able to kick up our heels, laugh at our then probable frailties, and toast the many memorable moments we have shared. Your friendship is one of my life's greatest blessings. I'm so glad and grateful we were able to travel life's road together.
Much love,