We are the Pioneers because we were the first. We started school in tents due to the steel strike in 1955. We were the only class - all freshmen, then in the following years, always the upperclassmen. Because we were such a small class, we all knew one another. We chose the school colors, uniform, and wrote our alma matter. We published the first yearbook and named it "Esprit" for our sense of spirit. And we were the first class to celebrate a 50th reunion - still the Pioneers. How wonderful to reminisce and reconnect with one another!





Following our 50-year class reunion in March 2009, the class of '59 gifted Providence High School with a special scholarship fund to be used for financially-needy students. This fund is called: PHS 50-Year Club Scholarship Fund. This fund will last in perpetuity as long as we, and other classes as they reach the 50-year anniversary of their graduations, continue to contribute to it. If you are able and willing to contribute to our alma mater, will you please designate "PHS 50-Year Scholarship Fund" as the payee on your check or credit card gift. With our assistance the scholarship will go on forever -- and the Class of 1959 will always be remembered.

Sunday, February 22, 2009

Carol Warren Thornton

I think this blog is such a great idea. Carol Ann (“my very best friend in the whole wide world”) talked me into posting this; so here goes.

I married Dick Powers in 1962. We had a daughter Pam, who has grown into a wonderful mother, wife, daughter and friend. She has three beautiful daughters who are the joys of my life. Dick and I divorced in 1966. I dated several men and met and married Ed Thornton, my soul mate in 1978. In 1987 Juan Flores joined our family after being deserted by his mother. With lots of love and caring he went from a D student with issues to an A student. He graduated from UCLA with a double major and is now a teacher and Head Wrestling Coach at Rio Mesa High School. We are proud to have his as our Son.
Ed and I recently celebrated our 30th Anniversary in Paris, very romantic. We are very happy and live in Camarillo. I work as an Office Administrator for a real estate company and while the market is down I thoroughly love working. Ed is retired but manages to keep busy. He is a genius at repairing things. He can even repair antique clocks. I’ll tell you, he still rings my chimes. I enjoy gardening, working out, yoga and taking various classes that I enjoy. I am an active member of The Ventura County Dog Fanciers Association. We are the proud owners of two Welsh Pembroke Corgis. Our passion is sailing, which we do as much as possible. I am really excited about coming to the reunion and seeing all of you.


1 comment:

Carol Ann said...

What a gift our friendship has been all these years! Thank you for always being there when I need someone to listen to me or to laugh with or to reminisce. Here's to another 50 years or so of "best friends".