We are the Pioneers because we were the first. We started school in tents due to the steel strike in 1955. We were the only class - all freshmen, then in the following years, always the upperclassmen. Because we were such a small class, we all knew one another. We chose the school colors, uniform, and wrote our alma matter. We published the first yearbook and named it "Esprit" for our sense of spirit. And we were the first class to celebrate a 50th reunion - still the Pioneers. How wonderful to reminisce and reconnect with one another!





Following our 50-year class reunion in March 2009, the class of '59 gifted Providence High School with a special scholarship fund to be used for financially-needy students. This fund is called: PHS 50-Year Club Scholarship Fund. This fund will last in perpetuity as long as we, and other classes as they reach the 50-year anniversary of their graduations, continue to contribute to it. If you are able and willing to contribute to our alma mater, will you please designate "PHS 50-Year Scholarship Fund" as the payee on your check or credit card gift. With our assistance the scholarship will go on forever -- and the Class of 1959 will always be remembered.

Thursday, February 12, 2009

Kathy Gekler Thompson

After leaving High School, I went to work as a clerk at a small electronics company.
In 1960 I went to work for PSA as a reservations clerk and took a few college courses.
IN 1963 after a very very short marriage, I moved to Northern California, with my son David, (born 1963).
While living in Oakland I worked at Treasure Island Naval Station, where I met a cute and really nice sailor. We have been married for 44 years. We had a son Scott, in 1965.
We have lived in Florida, South Carolina, Washington and finally back to Alameda, Ca.
Larry retired from the Navy in 1980, and was in business for himself until 2001.
I went to work at Alameda Hospital in 1974 and retired in 2001.
We moved to Larry's home state of South Dakota in 2001 and live about 20 miles from the nearest town. For a city girl that is pretty hard to get used to, but after 8 years I am still trying.
We have 5 beautiful grandchildren ( 4 boys and a girl) and I try to visit Northern California to see all of them at least twice a year.
The blog for the reunion is great for all of us who will be unable to attend, it certainly brings back some very fond memories and does not seem at all 50 years ago.


1 comment:

Carol Combs said...


Were you born at Hollywood Presbyterian Hospital on March 19, 1941?
Carol Giebel Combs