We are the Pioneers because we were the first. We started school in tents due to the steel strike in 1955. We were the only class - all freshmen, then in the following years, always the upperclassmen. Because we were such a small class, we all knew one another. We chose the school colors, uniform, and wrote our alma matter. We published the first yearbook and named it "Esprit" for our sense of spirit. And we were the first class to celebrate a 50th reunion - still the Pioneers. How wonderful to reminisce and reconnect with one another!





Following our 50-year class reunion in March 2009, the class of '59 gifted Providence High School with a special scholarship fund to be used for financially-needy students. This fund is called: PHS 50-Year Club Scholarship Fund. This fund will last in perpetuity as long as we, and other classes as they reach the 50-year anniversary of their graduations, continue to contribute to it. If you are able and willing to contribute to our alma mater, will you please designate "PHS 50-Year Scholarship Fund" as the payee on your check or credit card gift. With our assistance the scholarship will go on forever -- and the Class of 1959 will always be remembered.

Monday, March 2, 2009

Maureen Coleman Simons

I am so thankful to Sister Esther and Sister Maria Therese for encouraging me to continue my education. After graduation from PHS I attended Immaculate Heart College. I graduated with a history major in 1963. I worked at a couple of Brokerage firms during that time. After graduation I worked for Security Pacific Bank in the Trust Department.
I then worked as an Administrative Assistant for one of the top producers at s regional brokerage firm
I met my husband, John in 1968. We were married later that year and immediately started our family. Denny (1969), Chris 1970) Matt (1971) Laura (1973) Kelly (1975) Tricia (1977) Sean (1985). I thank John for making it possible for me to be an at home mom.
We lived in Torrance and then Redondo Beach. We spent many years volunteering at the grammar school and then High School. Our children were very involved in soccer and little league. We were at the various fields every weekend. We are very proud to be able to say that all seven of our children have graduated from Catholic Universities
.In 1991 a priest friend asked me to help him with the accounting at his parish. I was there for 7 years. It was great because my youngest son was at the adjoining school.
Our children have blessed us with 8 beautiful grandchildren. The oldest is five and the youngest is 5 months. We have so much fun with these amazing children. I know the best times are yet to come.
In 2000 John and I moved to Carlsbad. John immediately became involved with Rotary, Chamber of Commerce and Knights of Columbus. I was invited by my neighbor to attend a fund raiser. I walked into a room of 400 women and thought I didn’t know anyone. Then I saw one lady that I did know. It was Barbara Dunn. Barbara at that time was the President of the Assistance League of North Coast (A philanthropic organization that helps underprivileged children). I was strongly encouraged to join. Barbara has become a great friend and mentor. Being a member of the great organization has become a big part of my life. I also spend time at my parish as a Funeral minister, Eucharistic Minister and Lector.
As a further connection to PHS one of my good friends from IHC married Vic Belfiore who was our softball coach. Pat Reagan who was a year behind also attended IHC and married the brother of one of my other IHC friends.
I want to thank the committee who have worked so hard to put this reunion together. I am looking forward to seeing all of you there.


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